Thursday, October 24, 2013

How one can create impression through Communication ....

Communication is so interesting when we pursue it with whom we want. Otherwise it’s just professional sometimes.  It happens very frequently, we have to speak to those who we really care about and just sake of work or job necessity we have to do it. To create a interest and commonality it’s very important to stick to the same topic and domain. Also, in very early stage of communication we always talk about the basic information of each other. 

its very important to know the essence of the communication. Because, every other relation has its essence that the communication which we do with our parents we don’t do that with our friends and vice versa. In similar manner, we do communication possessing some interest hidden in it. it can be done with out any intention/topic or even it happens because of profession.

A proper conversation with proper communication is vital to convey one’s message that too one has to be in his/her domain and constrains to convey it. Usually, we, humans have lot many things to say or communicate to others and world but for every communication has its own platform to perform. for e.g. politicians communicate by rally and speeches and family member discuss or communicate on dinning table.

it’s universally accepted that first impression is last impression. However, impression also matters how u communicate and what you communicate. Therefore, no matter how is your attire and looks, moment you open your mouth for communication purpose it reflects your personality and which is directly proportionally to your impression and your quality. Hence, communication being prominent tool to conquer everyone’s heart and impress everyone.

Communication being so important, one has to be confident enough to present him/her self while communicating. So. it may be presentation or in casual chat. One has to keep in mind that where how we are speaking and where we are speaking. everyone has choices and specifications to be what you are therefore anyone can chose to communicate who ever they want.

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